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Health Benefits and Side Effects
of Corydalis Yan Hu Suo

Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, also known as Yan Hu Suo or Corydalis Rhizome, is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb that has gained attention for its potential health benefits. In this post, we will delve into the various health benefits associated with Corydalis Yan Hu Suo, as well as its potential side effects.

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What is Corydalis Yan Hu Suo?​

Corydalis is a flowering plant in the Poppy Family.  This plant has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, and is revered for its pain relieving properties.  While there are over 200 species of Corydalis, the genus of Yan Hu Suo is the only one that posses' the bio-compounds for pain relief.

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Corydalis Yan Hu Suo

How does Corydalis Yan Hu Suo effect my body?

Corydalis helps reduce the amount of pain you sense by attaching to dopamine receptors and stimulating opiate receptors.  These two cell receptor sites play a large role in pain management, pain relief, as well as addiction. The main biochemical that stimulates these is receptors is dehydrocorybulbine.  Combined with large concentrations of Berberine found in the root, this plant also has the ability to reduce inflammation while protecting nerve cells from damage.


Is Corydalis Yan Hu Suo effective as a Topical?

The topical application of Corydalis is safe for both young and old. You can experience the same benefits for pain relief, reduced inflammation, and nerve rehabilitation by applying it to your skin. The benefits of using this plant topically have not been researched in depth but have shown promising results. Please review some of the testimonials to learn how it has benefited other people and may benefit you. 

Raw Corydalis Yan Hu Suo

Can I become Addicted to Corydalis?

The Short answer is NO, you can not become addicted to Corydalis. You also can not build up a tolerance to Corydalis. This makes this plant a great tool for individuals struggling with addictions or people that want to stay away from addictive substances for pain relief. Research has shown that the main compound for pain relief (Dehydrocorybulbine) attaches to different dopamine receptors than standard opiates and pain killing drugs.  By attaching to different Dopamine receptor cites, Corydalis is able to stimulate pain relief while shutting off craving signals in your body.

Chinese Medicine Formula

How is Corydalis Traditionally Used in Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine categorizes this herb as blood mover and stasis resolver.  It's classical application is in the form of tea, pills, or blended tinctures. The issues it has been most commonly used for are general pain relief, menstrual disorders, certain kinds of headaches and migraines, as well as blood stagnation from acute trauma. It is most famous for breaking opiate addictions resulting from the Opiate War in China.

Tincture - Side Effects of Corydalis Yan Hu Suo

What Are The Negative Side Effects of Eating Corydalis? 

Consuming Corydalis Yan Hu Suo raw or in extracts can cause unwanted side effects.  Improper dosages can cause:

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Disorientation

  • Lethargy

  • Impaired Function

  • Potential interactions with medications are possible when ingesting any herbs. Due to this herb's traditional use for resolving blood stasis, it is not recommended for people who take blood thinners or may be pregnant.

* None of these side effects have been present when using this herb as a topical. Caution should still be applied if pregnant*

Opiate War

The Most Famous Use of Corydalis Yan Hu Suo

During the early 1800’s China suffered a huge addiction crisis due to the import and trading of opium referred to as The Opiate War.   Over 70% of the population was addicted to or abusing the narcotic due to high volumes of trading through out Asia and the the Western hemisphere. The Chinese government created a plan to stop the drug trade. A large offense was put into action and millions of pounds of opium were seized and dumped into the sea. While they were successful in stopping the import of opium, over half the population began to immediately experience withdraw sickness. The Chinese government then turned to their most trusted herbal physicians, and began dosing the entire population with Corydalis tea. Corydalis was able to wean the addicted population off of opium with in a few weeks.  

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